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The meeting point between South America and Europe

The Industry Leading Startup Company

How everything begins


LMT was born from some young German, Ecuadorian and Colombian entrepreneur’s dreams and ideas. Young entrepreneurs who were interested in others’ cultures and customs and who wanted to create a business which could open doors to new markets. Thereby, taking advantage of the strength offered by each country and continent, we looked the best method to open a meeting midpoint. A midpoint where, according to the expectations and different possibilities for development we got to share knowledge as well as customs. A point designed to reduce distances and break boundaries. On which LMT Trading Co. fills gaps in the market and create solutions to satisfy our customers’ needs.


After a lot of research, exchange of ideas and deliberations, we determined the advantages for each industry and proceed accordingly to the requirements of each country.


We see the access to German technology, innovation and quality of production as a key to improve the industry, competitiveness and variety of South America. Simultaneously, the export of South American products to Germany provides an opportunity to small producers to be internationally known and to bring their products beyond the horizon. 


Furthermore, we seek to create a link between producers and artisans in order to overcome barriers of language and culture in our selection process of products and services that are to be offered on the German market. This link enables the customer to know where the product comes from and who is behind the production. This way, we seek to transmit the feelings and passions with which these products were created. Through the variety of exotic, new and/or better products, we want to offer a more sustainable and environmental-friendly exchange that allows our customers to take a look at the traditions and follow the footprints of the products they consume.


According to these values, we develop a company that generates and seek changes in the way we do business, to achieve a more sustainable and fair trade. LMT Trading Co. is a place that, beyond the profit, offers to its clients, partners, allies, and employees respect and quality services and products, generating warmth and passion for the international exchange.


LMT Trading Co.  is a German company in which these values, ideas, and dreams are under one roof. Being our main activity import and export, we are specialized in the exchange of exotic and characteristic South American products into Germany. Moreover, we concentrate in the export of innovative and high quality “Made in Germany” products to South America. This way, we facilitate the access for producers into new markets and the development of their products. Therefore, we offer our clients a larger variety of products in their country.


International Network


For the development of our company we build a network of strategic and business partners, as well as representatives in Germany, Colombia and Ecuador. This allows us to improve our service and provide our customers with high quality and efficiency.



Exclusive products


Thanks to the expansion of our network and the development of our business, we count with new exclusive products, brought directly from Germany, available for our South American customers.


Our Services


  • We acts as a mediating agent between German and South American customers.

  • We open the market for new products and simplifies the process of its positioning in the Colombia, Ecuador and Germany. 

  • We are a qualified team with appropriate intercultural skills from both Germany and South American. 

  • We promote social and economic development of small producers.

  • We are engaged in a fair, green and sustainable future trade.


The real added value makes the difference


  • We create and facilitate the access to new markets and products from both Germany and South America

  • With our service we achieve a relief on the management process enabling more time for your own business operations

  • As we take care of most part of the transaction process, you save on marketing, logistic, mobility, human resource, and transport costs. As a result, your company’s expenses are considerably decreased and you get a new partner

  • Thanks to our contact service your company has the possibility to cross over into new markets increasing the level of awareness of your product


To provide our customers the best products and solutions, we are constantly reviewing and expanding our portfolio, in order to offer a service with high quality standards and professionalism. Furthermore, as we are focused on facilitating the everyday life of our customers in South America, offering the highest quality, our products are specially pragmatic and easy to handle. On the other hand, for our customers in Germany we want to deliver the best of South American production, transmitting the feelings and the passion with which they were created.

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